Sponsored Research

Sponsored Research

Sponsored projects are R & D projects funded by government departments and agencies, industries or other institute with a view to generate new knowledge, to develop new technology or to create new products in nation building. These programmes also help in the development of human resources in the premier areas of science and technology.

The value of the sponsored projects handled from 2012 – 2023 is given in the bar chart below.

Research projects are also undertaken on cell mode. Research institutions like ISRO, IGCAR, and DRDO have cells established at IIT Madras for carrying out joint research projects.

International collaborative joint research programmes of common interest are undertaken through Indo-US, Indo-German, Indo-Australian and Indo-European research initiative

List Of Sponsored Ongoing Projects as on 31st March 2024
List of Sponsored Closed Projects during 2022-23

Some on-going high value sponsored projects are:

  • DST has sanctioned the project for “Establishment of a Nano Functional Materials Technology Center (NFMTC) with Murugappa group and Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals as contributing partners for a total value of Rs.240 million.
  • National Center for Catalysis Research has been established with a project cost of Rs.180 million.
  • National Technical Research Organization (NTRO) has sanctioned an eight node consortium project titled “Smart and Secure Environment” for a value of Rs.80 million.
  • DST has sponsored a project “Facility for Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance: Methodology Development and Applications to investigation of a Composite Materials & Biological System “ for a total value of Rs.68 million.
  • NRB has sponsored a project “National Programme in Marine Hydrodynamics” for a total value of Rs.45million.
  • DST has sponsored a project “National facility to identify potential drug targets through functional cell dynamics” for a total value of Rs.40 million.
  • DST has sponsored a project “Mechanical Micromachining metal and non- metals” for a total value of Rs. 35 million .
  • DIT has sponsored a project “Center for Analog Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit Design” for a total value of Rs. 30 million.