
Industries from all sectors avail the expertise and facilities of the Institute through anyone of the following avenues.

Institutional Consultancy

These are specific assignment that can be executed readily utilizing the professional knowledge and expertise of the faculty and facilities of the Institute.

Retainer Consultancy

Expertise of IITM faculty is utilized by retaining them as consultants for advice / guidance on any aspect of interest to the Industries concerned for a specific duration. Several Industries spread over the country have been availing this facility for a number of years.

Research Based Industrial Consultancy

Assignments which require applied research fall under this category. Under RBIC an industry or a group of industries can jointly sponsor a project of interest to them in an area where they agree to share the know-how generated. The project duration would be for a period ranging from six months to three years. The value of the consultancy assignments handled from 2013 – 2023 is shown in the bar chart below.

List Of Consultancy Ongoing Projects as on 31st March 2024
List of Consultancy Closed Projects during 2023-24

Major Areas of Consultancy

  •   Foundation Engineering.
  •   Design & Analysis of Industrial Structures, Bridges & Offshore structures.
  •   Design & Development of Equipments (Mechanical & Electrical) and Manufacturing System.
  •   Maintenance Engineering, Vibration, Acoustics & Seismic Studies.
  •   Process & Product Development in the areas of Communication, Materials, Chemical & Bio-Medicals.
  •   Failure Analysis.
  •   Metallurgical & Instrumental Analysis.
  •   Software for Industrial Applications.
  •   Modeling & Simulation Studies.